Methodological framework for developing future teacher’s  professionalism

The school is headed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Faina Povshednaya  – winner of the Nizhny Novgorod City Prize in the nomination "Education", member of the editorial board of the journal "Vestnik of Minin University", included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific editions publishing the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of sciences should be published.

The goal of the scientific school’s development is the centralization of pedagogical research, ensuring the advanced development of domestic education and pedagogy.


  • theoretical reflection of the modern environment, the space in which a person lives, and the requirements imposed on the person by the new situation of the development of society and science;
  • shaping value orientations and professional competencies of the future teacher;
  • innovative development of higher education as a special socio-pedagogical organism;
  • interaction, joint creation of the world of adults and the world of children

Areas of the school’s activity: search for new modern ideas, ways and means of optimizing pedagogical science; development and implementation of new research areas for teachers, postgraduates and students, undergraduates, students on topical issues of education and pedagogical science.